My grandson has been mine since he was 2 years old.I am very protective of him & his feelings.He is picked on a little at the sitters & at school.
My daughter-in-law dropped him & his 3 year old sister off one Fri.evenning,& I was caring for them,& he was particularly quiet,unusual for him as he has to take a pill now to focus at school for his excessive talking.If he did not take something,his teacher said he would be in a special ed class.So,he does now & it makes a world of difference,he can concentrate & is an A student.
He was being ornery as he was coming off his pill,so when he gets like that,I make him sit & focus on something like coloring or being creative,making him use his mind to settle himself.So I said ,"Dominick,you & your sister sit here at the kitchen table & draw something.I`m going in the bedroom to lie down,my back hurts."
Pretty soon his 3 year old sister joined me.It was awhile before he came in & his attitude had changed,he was happy & calm.It seemed to have a therapeutic effect on him.He showed me his work.
I was horrified.He had drawn a small story.It was called,A Diary of a Wimpy Kid.He explained it all to me,the picture he drew of a school house & it showed school lockers & one boy pushing another into the lockers,knocking him down.I turned the page over,the boy is calling another boy a name.The next page are 2 boys,one has evil written on him,another has good written on him.On the opposite side of it,the good boy pushes the other evil one & knocks his head off.There were a couple of more & he ended his story.
He was happy now & came in & laid down with his sister & me & we watched animal planet till his mom came & picked him up.
I showed her the story & told her I was concerned for him,but she didn`t seem worried,which irritated me more.I was sure someone did this to my short,chubby little grandson & I was mortified & ready to go to his teacher myself.
Well,I`m in walmart getting groceries & go into the book look for a life application bible for my daughter-in-law as I bought one for my son & not her,& there in front of me was a whole display of childrens books....called....The Diary of a Wimpy Kid.It is on the New York`s best sellers list!! I bought one to show my dh.I told my friend about it,& she said,oh,yes,there is even a movie out of it.
Yesterday was his 8th birthday & one of the things he got was the whole collection of those books.I never thought I would be so out of the loop of things,but all of this made me realize how old I`m getting!!
Happy Mother's Day Phyllis. I hope that you have pain free day, full of Love and energy. Love to you friend, Robin
Thank-you,not so good today & very depressed.phylliso
You are a wonderful Grandmother!!! Ready to go to blows for your grandson, and that is wonderful!!! I am laughing at the end of the story but at the beginning I felt like you. Sometimes kids so draw pictures of their inner feelings. You were good to pay attention, even if it turned out okay. Thank the LORD!
P.S. What is your depression about? Is it due to a bad back? I am praying for you! God bless you my friend!
I was going to blog today about my depression,some of it anyhow,but will perhaps feel more like it tomorrow.
Our only son turned 36 yesterday.He celebrated it & mother`s day behind the county jail bars this year.He has an ongoing problem with bipolar depression & as meds haven`t worked yet,he has self medicated himself with alcohol & drugs.It has been almost a lifelong struggle with him.At least we have a word for the mania & roller-coaster rides with him now,bipolar.But I will blog more about it another day.Friends have been praying for him & the family & I know God keeps putting him behind bars for a reason.phylliso
Phyllis, It sounds like you have a sorrowful heart. I am glad your son was finally diagnoised. It seems that many people suffer so much before their problem is given a label and they can get the help they need. I will pray for you and your son as your friends are. God bless you so sweetly as only He can do.
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