Thursday, October 14, 2010

Angora Goats done

The past 2 days I feel as if I have been on a long road trip somewhere,but it`s just been driving my son all around.I really cherish my time at home,so was not too happy by yesterday afternoon.He has 2 blood clots in his arm from the iv in our hospital.So,if they move about anymore instead of dissolving,I will be running him again to the doctor`s.He doesn`t have any classes today,thank the dear Lord.I`m about ready to hire a cab for him.He can ride his bike,of course,but since he has been having these health problems we have been taking him where he needs to be.
So,I pulled in the driveway yesterday after multi-tasking,getting groceries,running the son,& so forth,& all of the goats were out running happily around in the drive.I took a deep breath & managed to smile.My dh had Blackie already sheared & had Ringo almost done.The last time he let them out in the yard free to roam,I had to have the vet come out,we almost lost Ringo when he ate part of the rhododendron bush.But,everyone seems alright this am,thank our dear Lord.Before & after pics of the goats.The mohair from them was not as plentuful this year,but they are 4 years old now,the quality of it still seems fine.


Baggaraggs: said...

Your Pictures always make me smile Phyllis. Sorry I haven't been around too much lately. Too much going I see you can relate yo. I hope your health is good and that you are doing good. The goats look great. Are you going to spin their hair? Hugs, Robin said...

Thanks Robin,I have been wondering how you are.Running my adult child around is really beginning to wear me down.I pray it is all worth it in the end he doesn`t screw up again,hugs,phyllis said...

forgot,I am going to spin their fleece as soon as I get it washed & carded.Let me know if you want some for doll hair,Robin,phyllis

Little Wren said...

I would love to see pics of your spun mohair yarn! I have an angora rabbit but I'm too chicken to commit to anything as large as a goat yet.

Anonymous said...

How is your son's blood clots doing? I know it takes a while to desolve. They can be very painful also...are his? said...

The blood clots moved to my son`s elbow where I assume they disolved.I`m afraid I wasn`t too compassionate towards whether he was in pain or not,sometimes I`m that way with him as he tends to exaggerate things sometimes.
He goes to have the hernia repair at his belly button done on the 18th as the doc wasn`t able to reduce it in his office.The 23rd is the colonoscopy,then they will decide on the surgery for the diverticulitis,when it will be.They will be hurting for money,even tho he doesn`t make alot cooking at Ryan`s,but that little bit did help some.He is still working,but will have to be off from Nov.18th till who knows when.He was able to get a medical assistance card,praise God,& I know God has plans to help them,thanks for praying,phyllis