Thursday, October 7, 2010

Lyme disease

I debated whether or not to post this,the picture shows a little more skin than I would like,but maybe it will help someone else to see it.
On Sat. I had alot of pain in my lower back,nothing new,I cope with pain every day & just keep busy so as not to think about it.I rubbed it some & forgot it.Sun.I get up & as I get ready for church,I felt it burning.It was red hot.
When I got home from church,I swear you could fry bacon on it,it burned clear through to my bones.I decided to wait till a trip to the er would cost me $50.
Monday my doctor saw me & said he was sure I was bit by a deer tick.I have pulled 2 from Bandit in the last week.I do use frontline on the dogs as it works even though it is expensive,they attach & die usually.I suppose this cold weather is causing the ticks to search for something warm to attach to.He told me there is no testing for this,everyone is just treated with antiboctics.The burning has started to go away some but it did grow beyond the circle the doctor drew around it.The antiboctic makes me feel ill.So,I`ve been loafing around,taking pictures of the birds from inside sitting on my favorite chair & trying to get my motor going once again.I will be on the antiboctics for 2 weeks.


Baggaraggs: said...

Phyllis. CRAP. NOt what you needed! I am so sorry. Lookit, My sister had LYME disease. She tested positive for it. So I think there is a test. ALSO she was on antibiotics fro months. Made her sick too. Please resaerch this. I think there is a testing for it. I wonder if ice would help that? Love and healing to you. Robin

Anonymous said...

I'm praying hard for your Phyllis. My father in law had it and it can be very serious! Please, if you have any symptoms, no matter how small...let your doctor know! And yes, do some research yourself on it!!! Not to be too alarming, but watch yourself! May God bless you with rapid recovery! said...

Thanks to both of you,prayer does indeed help.I had thought of how good ice would feel on it,I`m just leery,I don`t want it to blister & come open,then I would have mercer to probably deal with,which I`ve had that too before & it is not a fun thing either.I wonder when you do have the lyme test-& go thru the antibotic,do you still test positive then as always having it?phylliso

Anonymous said...

Hi Phyllis, I think you are worried about MRSA. Right? grandchildren have had that and even been hospitalized for it. It is not fun, and painful. You can count on my prayers for your total healing and recovery! My friend thought she had Lymes on her leg 2 years ago, and there are only a few specialist in the country for it. But if you need any info I can get it from her if you like! Just let me know.

Tammy said...

Wow Phyllis that looks awful! Yes, please get tested for Lyme's as it can be an ongoing problem if not treated correctly. It also looks like it could be a spider bite. I think those are also treated by antibiotics as well. Anyway, hope you quickly recover.

Anonymous said...

How are you today Phyllis? Has it grown, or shrunk or any difference??? Still praying~ said...

Tammy,I thought too it was a spider bite.I am going to ask again about the lyme disease test.
Due to all your prayers,the redness has gone out of it,it is mostly itchy now.Now,if I can just get myself moving,I feel so tired,but am getting better,thanks to all,phylliso