Saturday, October 9, 2010


Thank-you for all your prayers.My son did come home from the hospital last Sun.,he goes back to work on the 11th,but he still has to be scoped & have surgery,not sure exactly when that will be done.His medical assistance was denied,apparently if you are a family of 4,if you make more than $750 a month,you cannot get it.I did not see the paperwork,but I intend to find out more about this,I can hardly believe it,their rent alone is $750.I believe the surgeon may be helping with his paperwork to try & help him with getting it.
My bite is alot better,it is itchy now,the redness going away.I do believe all of your prayers worked,thank-you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Phyllis, Wonderful News all the way around!!! Praise the LORD for your bit getting better, and for your dear Son....What a load of problems with the bills though. Will pray it will be resolved in a good way!!! Prayers remain with you both!