Yesterday I went to church alone as I usually do.Service doesn`t start til 11:15,but the dh has not been real well,so he sleeps & I let him alone.I just love the christain rock this service plays,the team is awesome.They sang the song,Sweep Me Away,that upon hearing it before,I had to have the cd.It is hauntingly beautiful & I always feel God`s presence around me when we sing it.There is a hush that comes over us in the church,that`s the only way I can describe it.
I stopped on the way home & picked up Walmart chicken to go with baked sweet taters I made in the microwave.He was up & ready for something.We ate & I went outside as he sprayed off the dust on the little 1978 Triumph I drive on Sundays.I started planting some bulbs as I need to get this done,& he said ,let`s go for a Sunday drive.
We drove through 2 towns & up the mountain.I bit my nails as I looked out over the side of the road,I have a fear of falling off the mountain in a car that I`ve had since being a child & my dad would take my brother & me on these types of Sunday drives.He was usually looking for a place to hunt.I hid my head on the back seat of mom & dad`s car till we would stop & walk through the forest.
Any way,I have on my bucket list to do some things before I`m gone.I am getting them slowly done.One is to go to Fort Indiantown gap in July ,which is about 4 hours away,to see the butterflies emerge.They have a rare butterfly there that I`m trying to get here.Well,it didn`t happen again this year.
Another is to go to Hawk Mountain in the fall to watch the hawks migrate.The dh thought he knew where this was,so we were off without a map to where he thought it was.It wasn`t.I can`t believe I made it up these rocks.The "building"he thought was up on top a mountain...well,to me it seemed we were on top of the world.The building was actually some sort of sky diving hanger or something.He walked up the steps partway,I said,no way I`m going up there.
The pictures aren`t that good as the weather changed up there & it was sorta misty.And cold,& windy.But all in all,it was a nice drive & now we know that this is not where people go to watch the hawks,hah,hah.
He looks like he is walking right up to heaven.
I was so glad I was able to get up there,he pulled me ,mainly,hah,hah.I`ve had to stop my Enbrel injection for my RA as the biopsy the GI doctor took from my stomach came back as another infection called helicobacter pylori,which can cause MALT.So,I`m taking a few different antioboctics now as I have the fungus infection too & I will be off the Enbrel for about 8 weeks.Already I am getting stiff,but I`ll keep on going with the Lord`s help.
Hang in there Phyliis. I am sending up prayers for you. Love, Robin
Thanks,dear friend,love,phyllis
The pictures are great! I have another friend with RA and I know every day can be a struggle. You are very brave! Hang in there and keep fighting!
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