My yard & forest is becoming full of birdlife again as the doves are cooing,cardinals singing & robins too,I don`t mind waking up to those sounds.
My mom has not been good & my brother & I had several appts. for her to go to this week,as well as having my granddaughter today,so I have just a few to share that I`ve shared with our birders before.
The dark eyed juncos are taking baths & getting cleaned up for their migration from here in Pa. till Oct. next year when they start to file back in.The doves were seen out & about making nests.the female cardinals have been eating alot at the feeder,I`m wondering if they already laid eggs.
My poor beef tallow orange bag is still hanging,no one interested byt the juncos yet.I was told of a coyotoe in our area & I know it is probably smelling the tallow.Maybe it`s time to take it further into the woods!Well,birders,this is the day to share your weekly photos at this link.
Good times in your backyard!
Lovely photos of the Doves and I really like the female Northern Cardinals Phyllis!
I love watching my backyard birds. Your Doves are lovely. Happy Birding!
Gorgeous shots of the dove and cardinal!
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