Sitting on the deck last night with the dogs,I could hear the drumming of a woodpecker.It was almost dark.I couldn`t see it,& figured it was the red bellied.But when the sounds of big pieces of bark hitting the ground,I got the camera & went in search of the bird.
It was the pileated woodpecker,I`ve been trying to capture this bird again since the last time I got not too good pictures.The forest here are filled with the marks of the bird,but they are like chasing the wind to get that photo.I slithered against the trees to get close enough,& here are what I was able to get,not so good,& the ones of him against the tree towards me,I didn`t even post,I`ll try to lighten them up somehow.He sure was hitting that tree with all the might he had.I got to see the back of his head,which looks like a little cross of red & black.
So,here is my post for world bird Wed.The link is
Go post your birds & get in touch with some wonderful people...
Nice shots of one of my nemesis birds Phyllis.
Wonderful photos! You get some great ones!
Phyllis-have you watched the bird cam at Cornell-they have one on a great blue heron couple that has 5 eggs. It's a live camera. One of the eggs was damaged in an owl attack the night before last. It's fascinating to watch.... I'll get the link and come back and put it in another comment for ya.
Love ya!
Hey again-here's the link:
I can`t wait to check it out,thanks Debra!
They really are elusive aren't they? We have them too, and I've gotten a couple of pictures, but none as close as yours!
Great sighting and photos of the Pileated. They are cool birds. Thanks for sharing, have a great day!
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