My own dyed handspun yarn from my angora goats mixed with a little of the Wadel`s wool ,this lavender color will be a shawl.
On the skein winder is brown alpaca I spun from what I bought from the Mannings.I much prefer spinning my own.It has such a glow too.
You do beautiful work Phyllis! I tried to comment on your post about your new calico kitty awhile back but something happened and it didn't go through. Just bless you for taking her in, and I hope the little soul settles in with the crew and gets over the trauma she witnessed.
It's really pretty, Phylisso-can't wait to see it made into your shawl...
Thanks Tammy & Debra!
Patches is still hissing & growling.She does come out of hiding more now though.I took her outside on a halter & leash yesterday,that didn`t go very well.I think I may have had her halter on backwards.I`ll try again later.
What lovely handspun yarn! And to know that you're spinning fiber from your own animals must make the yarn that much more special to you.
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