Yes,I`m a tad bit late in baking cookies this year.I usually start before the first day of buck season,right after Thanksgiving,but wasn`t feeling up to it this year.My dh usually takes along a picnic basket when he hunts-I tease him about going on a picnic by himself-he did go,but without the usual snacks.
As he slept today,I baked & watched the birds,ran up the lane after friends plowing us out with a gift of cookies,felt a little lonely as the dh is not well,but I counted my blessings today as well as I watched the snow fall & drift to a stop,thank you,Lord,for another day.
Oh bless you dear one, and your husband.....I think about you so much, and pray for you both too.
I never did make cookies this year-just helped my sweetheart daughter-in-law decorate the ones she made. I love your bird pics-I am especially fond of the Carolina wren-is that what that little fellow is? Ours loves to sing his heart out in the wood pile.
Have a wonderful Sunday, and New Year.
Love, Debra
Ours are always in the wood pile too,thank-you ,Debra,for your thoughts & prayers,love you,phyllis
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