Thursday, January 24, 2013

The blue & gold macaws & african greys enjoying time safely outside their cages

Mr Curley Eared & Patches
I still do not have perches built to keep the macaws out in the bird/rabbit room full time.The perches seen here, they can use their beaks & swing themselves till they are like firemen sliding down the perch pole.I don`t believe they could harm anything,but I do not want them roaming the room on the floor doing God knows only what.
Pumpkin king of the kitchen
Patches loves it out there,& Pumpkin,for the most part,leaves her alone in her space.He is the troublemaker.He is seen here after my kitchen cupboard started falling off the wall....not only that,but seperating the back from the side too.I fixed hinges on the doors,my son & friend put cupboard back on the wall,but I cannot do the final work.Who knows when it will get done? In the meantime I`m asking myself,why,why did you think you needed about 20 coffee cups in the cupboard,plus alot of other dishes?Who did I think I was going to entertain,a softball team?


Judy said...

What a neat space for your birds! They look quite happy, along with your kitties. I bet life is never boring at your place with watching the animals :-)

EG CameraGirl said...

I bet your pets are very happy!

Debra said...

You are funny! But you never know-anyway-sometimes it's hard to get rid of those coffee cups!
I love those African grays-beautiful birds-and so smart.

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

I want to come to your house ... I love all of your animals and birds. And it looks like you are surrounded by nature ... you are blessed. I came over after reading your comment on my blog ... I am glad I did. I hope we see more of each other in the future. I, too, am following you.

Andrea @ From The Sol

Stewart M said...

Hi there - at least your parrots can get out and about!

if this link works you may like it:

Joyful said...

Your birds are fortunate to have their own space. I guess you have to keep the cats in another room. that would be a challenge!

Joyful said...

Thank you for following me. I'm following you back! Yes, it is sad about the little girl I featured on my blog. My heart really wants to help when I see these needs. I wish I could do a lot more. xx

TexWisGirl said...

very cute and smart birds!

Gina Gao said...

These were really fun pictures! I enjoyed this post very much.

Jen said...

They do look like they are having a lot of fun during their playtime. I always wonder just how much weight those cabinets can take...

eileeninmd said...

Love the parrots, they are gorgeous birds!