Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Barred Owl

I dug back into my archives for these pictures of the barred owl,taken in Nov.2008.Nothing new in the birdwatching world here in Pa.Please join us & put your bird pictures on this link,
Thanks,Stewart, for hosting!


Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Old or new, pictures of a Barred Owl are always welcome. They are truly beautiful Owls and have so much expression in their face, that they never look the same twice. Lucky you to have them around you.

Andrea @ From The Sol

Anonymous said...

Coool! I've seen the Barred Owl fly through the back yard a couple of times, but I've never heard them call. We have Great Horned owls that I've heard call several times, but never seen them. These Barred owls are pretty special. Thanks for stopping by.

HansHB said...

Great photos! Cute owl.
Lovely to see!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

The owl is wonderful..and I'm new here, so show all your archive'd make me happy!! The header shot of the cardinals is the cutest picture of those wonderful birds that I've ever seen! Thanks...glad I found your blog

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

What great pictures!! We have a resident Barred Owl, and I can honestly say, that I love having them around and hearing them never gets old!!

Wally Jones said...

I love hearing the Barred Owl calling from deep within the swamp and then hearing a reply.
A great bird to have around!
I met one in the woods a couple of months ago and just sat down in the sand and we watched each other. (Well, I may have snapped about 100 pics.....) said...

Thanks everyone for stopping by.I did get around to everyone so far,but I don`t know much about google plus & when I go to visit on your site ,Wally,as some others,I can`t view anything because I`m not in the circles,I will figure this out....phyllis

Stewart M said...

Great pictures - what a bird.

There are some more pictures of this bird at post 40!

(although that may change a bit if more people link up!)

Cheers and thanks for linking to WBW.

Stewart M - Melbourne

Debra said...

Oh how wonderful!!!You get the best shots-I wish I had your patience to capture all these birds with a camera.

Jen said...

It's so cool how they can turn their heads all the way around. Great shots.

Judy said...

Oh, what great photos! Thanks for sharing them. Owls are just such neat birds.

Arija said...

What a beautiful owl. Thank you for spotting and capturing it.