How long ago has it been since I had a dog in heat? My Maggie was spaded probably before her first.I remember Sadie,my first collie.It`s been 20 years at least since she died at the age of 14.Back then,I was unaware of the good reasons for spading a dog.I just figured,hey,she`s an indoor dog,I walk her,she`s not going to become pregnat.When she was 10 years old,she became really sick.I then found out why I should have spaded her.She got an infection in her urterus & was septic throughout.The vet operated on her,& through many prayers for her & going over to the vets to visit her,she came through,got strong,came home & lived 4 more years.I was so thankful.
I bought doggie diapers.Chloe doesn`t think much of them,but is getting used to them.I had to look it up to see how long she`d be this way after the dh asked me,& it says 3 weeks.I didn`t think it was that long,but we shall see.
Bandit feels bad for her,& lays a toy on her back to get her to play.
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Oh you are a nut! I'm still laughing about the diapers!!
Ha,hah! I feel like I have a little doll baby to play with!Dress her up,now she`s in diapers....phyllis
Yep, about three weeks. Usually it's about a week 'coming in' a week when she is receptive and can be bred, then a week 'going out'. That is simplifying it, but do be extra careful after about the 10th day. Also when her discharge changes from bloody to 'straw color' she will be receptive.
It's much nicer when they are spayed and we don't have to worry about it, isn't it??
Yep, about three weeks. Usually it's about a week 'coming in' a week when she is receptive and can be bred, then a week 'going out'. That is simplifying it, but do be extra careful after about the 10th day. Also when her discharge changes from bloody to 'straw color' she will be receptive.
It's much nicer when they are spayed and we don't have to worry about it, isn't it??
Yes,& it has been so long since I`ve dealt with it.She is getting spaded soon,she is worrying poor Bandit & he doesn`t know what to do for her,last night I caught HER humping Zeke the cat.As soon as I put on the doggie diaper,she settles down.
Yesterday I was in the bathroom & she came in & looked defiantly at me,turned her head,& ripped off the diaper.But the look she gave me was priceless!It was like,here`s what I think of That! I then took her & Bandit for a long walk & she calmed herself down.Animals really keeps our lives rich with stories,don`t they? Hah!phyllis
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