Monday, February 4, 2013

Coopers Hawk

I FINALLY got some hawk pictures.He was hunting yesterday here,& I didn`t have time to chase him around with the camera,however today I`ve discovered he likes to hang out in a dead tree not far from my window,so out the door I went,still in robe & slippers toting this camera & watching for ice,we got a couple of inches of snow here last night.
So,I`ll be submitting this set of pics to wild bird Wed.when I can link up tomorrow.
I believe this is a coopers hawk,but correct me if I`m wrong.His coloring is really a reddish color.Doesn`t take much to make me happy, this makes me happy,happy,happy as Phil on duck dynasty would say.
Some of these pics have a blurred power line in the bottom if you`re wondering what the blur is.I always resize & crop for blogger to post faster,can`t really crop the lines out without getting part of the bird.-Sigh-I should take the time to learn the lastest version of photo shop.
He was flying down in the woods,so later I`ll go down & check the nests.
I`m editing this post for Tues.,to link up with wild bird Wed.Go post your backyard/vacation birds over to this link...


Debra said...

Hi Phylliso-I showed your pictures to my hubby-he loved them. We are both jealous of your mockingbird that comes to your feeder! We see them here-but they don't come close to the house. Our feeder is right up next to the house-maybe they don't like that.
Love the hawk photo! said...

Try enticing them with a bowl of fresh water or those oranges that went bad before you could eat them.I only see one,I wish he wasn`t so alone.Most of my pics are from our window,but he trusts me enough to capture his pic outside now.Probably is quite sick of putting up with me!phyllis

Tammy said...

Hey Phyllis,
How big is this hawk? I had one fly into my window one morning. When I went outside I thought it was a Mourning Dove (same size)--when I got to it and picked it up, I saw that it was a tiny perfect hawk. So beautiful. It thought about pecking me, but didn't. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera and didn't want to stress it anymore. I released it out of the yard. It was pretty awesome to hold that gorgeous little bird in my hand. From what I could find on the nets it was possibly a sharp shinned hawk. I'm sure it's been having regular 'meals' at my bird feeder, but thankfully I haven't witnessed that.

Karen said...

I'd love to have a hawk sitting in my yard! Great shots.

Unknown said...

Impressive bird!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

HansHB said...


mick said...

A great series of photos of the Hawk.

Larry said...

Beautiful shots Phyllis. I'm glad you went out in your slippers to get these photos. Your bird is actually a gorgeous Red-shouldered Hawk. They have the kind of stripy reddish-brown head, reddish shoulders, lots of white in the wings and the black and white tail bands.

eileeninmd said...

I am happy you got your hawk photos. It is a gorgeous hawk!

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

I agree with Larry, it is a Red Shouldered Hawk. They are stockier than the Coopers Hawk, more of the Rufus color, darker and their tails are shorter. You are lucky to have one around in Pennsylvania this time of year. They are far more commen in the southern states. It is really hard to tell some of the smaller hawks apart. Great shots by the way ...

Andrea @ From The Sol

Wally Jones said...

Beautiful images of a great hawk! I hope he hangs around for you! said...

He is huge,& is a reddish ruddy color.I hesitated when I ID-ed him.Thank-you for correcting me! I hope they are the pair sticking around in my woods.phyllis

Anonymous said...

Beautiful bird!

Jackie said...

Well this guy was just a camera hound wasn't he? You got some lovely shots. I love birds of prey.

Some times hawks can be easy to get a shot of and some times not so easy. Your photos are fabulous!

Neil said...

Great series.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I swear that hawk looks like he's ready to fly down and say hi to you..he has the most quizzical look on his face, wondering what you're doing. Beautiful bird (and I['m not so good at hawk ID, so Coopers sounds great to me!)