Sunday, February 17, 2013

Prayer shawl & robe done,birdwatching

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purple finch
white breasted nuthatch
northern mockingbird
I worked as fast as I could last week,finally finishing up a shawl & lap robe for my forever friend,Faye,& her husband,Phil.I didn`t take a picture,I wanted to get them in the mail as quick as I could so they could have them when they go to the hospital this coming week for Phil`s tests.It felt good to get creating again.I have been so depressed this past year,& I released it to God,it is in His hands.I will be doing a series of posts, combined with my photos of nature here at home ,on my dh`s health & what is going on with the liver transplant.I`m just wondering how I should begin-at the beginning or where we are today.
I watched alot of birds here lately.The northern mockingbird looked frozen here ,& I feel so bad at only seeing the one.Remember how he hid in the brush when he first arrived,what,a month or so ago?,now he peers in at me when I`m preparing to walk the dogs.There is much barking going on before we go out the door,he watches from the feeder,only flying to the brush when we come out into the cold.
Also the goldfinches look like they are beginning to get their summer suits on,this one looks really more yellow.
I had to get my bird book out to ID the purple finch.I`m saying they are purple finches by looking at their tails.The purple finch has a forked tail,the house finch,a blunt,straight one.Such pretty colors!
Mom`s sister ,Aunt Irene,phoned me last night.She is the only one who really keeps in touch.I believe my cousin,Johnny,who lives with his mom,may show her my blog.Well,this blue jay is for you,Aunt Irene! I haven`t been seeing many because the hawks have been hunting here,they take a toll on the jay`s.The bluejay would not come out of the brush to come to the feeder,instead was ever watchful where they flew brush to brush getting where they wanted to go.
The whitebreasted nuthatch let me get a good one of him,& the crows were up to no good in the forest today.
northern mockingbird
Hope you had a great weekend.It is so cold here tonight in Pa.


~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

What a thoughtful gift for your friends!!

Also great photos of the birds. This week we saw the return of the Red winged Blackbirds--Spring is on the way, but we have bitter cold to get through first.

Take care, and enjoy your night!

Debra said...

Oh-I am watching for the red-wing black birds!! But I have heard the wood peckers tapping-to me, that means spring has come.
Your photos are amazing, as always. Maybe you can almost tame that mockingbird? He seems to have claimed you as his benefactor!
So glad you posted-you've been on my mind. Hope you are feeling good. Love ya!

Tammy said...

Sorry that this year has been so hard for you Phyllis. I pray that things will begin to turn around for you and your husband.

The birds pictures are nice. I have a hard time taking pictures of them because I have to do it from inside and there is a glare on the glass. I've had so many birds at the feeder this year! Three different kinds of woodpeckers (at least), purple and gold finches, and of course the standards of chickadee, titmouse, cardinals etc. Quite the show!
