Thursday, March 28, 2013


I am not myself.I am so depressed.I asked God to please let the sun shine for 1 day,just 1 for me.He did! It was so beautiful ,the rays travelling through the trees.I did not immediatly download the pictures,the sun shone earlier in the week,was it Mon.? but when I saw them just now,look at what I found!!!!  Hearts! One picture has 3 in it .Isn`t that amazing?!It is so funny as it has been gloomy again ever since,& I was talking to God today about it as I cleaned the birds room.Then I got the message from my Friend whom I made the prayer shawls for,& she said her husband died yesterday morning,he was only 62.I thought,I must get back to writing,let me see what I got on my it is...
3 hearts,red,gold,purple on the far right


Joyful said...

It's so nice when God hears our prayers ;-) When the sun doesn't come out for days it can make a person feel downright terrible.Every winter we go through that where I live. Now the glorious sun has returned. Have a wonderful Easter season. xx

Debra said...

Oh Phylliso~that's so wonderful!!! I know what you are feeling about the weather-the sun has been so scarce this winter-and spring. But I'm happy to hear the spring birds.
Happy Easter dear.