My DH says this turkey is called a Jake,it has a small beard.He was on the road conversing with 2 Spectra Energy guys this afternoon.I was coming home from taking my son to work when the turkey appeared on the road,checking out the tires on their truck.I called to them about him,& they were unaware he was there.I went up the road for my camera,he was very close to my house,but on another short road,Perry Road.He allowed me to come close to get some pictures.The one guy said he was somewhat afraid that he would get flogged.The other guy dug in his lunch & found some sunflower seeds.He scattered them & Jake went after them.I am in awe at how they can contort their bodies to clean their feathers.I wonder how long he`ll be around.
let me just turn my body inside out to itch this scratch |
yumm ,sunflower seeds |
not you again,are you stalking me? |
your tire could use a little air,or maybe washed a bit |
I say,hey in there,got any corn? |
Well, Jake is certainly one handsome turkey, and I think he seems quite content among the tires! :-)
Can't believe he is so tame acting! We have lots of wild turkeys around here, but they won't come near the house (mostly because of the dogs).
Is he still around? I saw on one of your comments on Kim's blog that you were trying to figure out something to keep the smaller dogs in. If you have an existing fence and they aren't awful escape artists, (or you'll be keeping an eye on them), chicken wire might do the trick. You can buy it in the shorter heights and wire it to the existing fence. It's cheaper than the heavier wire,fairly easy to work with too. I have used this in the past on my pasture fences to keep little lambs in--just high enough around the existing fence to keep them from squeezing/jumping through. I used the plastic zip ties to secure it with.
I did buy those ziplock ties-really long ones-at Lowes,& was going to fasten fence that I already had on hand,but my son says,oh,no mom,we`ll staple the farm fence all around.So,I begin taking the farm fence down,realize that I cannot even budge it,laid it down in the yard as it wouldn`t curl up,& don`t you know,I didn`t see it & went beboppin` down & tripped over it on my face.Boy,I look pretty.That`s why I try to go ahead & do things on my own because even tho the intentions are good,sometimes people can`t help me as I would like.As THEY would like,I should say.You are so right,& I will go with the orginal plan.
I`m beginning to wonder if the turkey doesn`t belong to the horse people up the road who`ve been taking in rescue farm animals.Jake was so tame & would`ve followed me about the yard if I hadn`t tried to feed him.There`s been talk,my 87 year old neighbor I got to show the turkey to today,that he already has seen it & someone told him they`d like to make a meal out of him.What?!Oh,come on,if you`re THAT hungry I`ll personally take you out to eat someplace...phyllis
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