Saturday, January 11, 2014

new computer and update on husband

I`m trying to learn how to navigate on this new computer.I have to get some kind of other cables to hook my printer to it,my camera card won`t fit it the port on the side,so I cannot post pictures on it yet.In the meantime,I`ll have to search for my other cds to add the programs I use for my pictures,I use microsoft picture this,I know that it is an old program but I am used to using it.After my brother`s girls go back to college next week,he said he`ll help me with it. My husband is continuing to fail.If you have not been following me,my husband got a liver transplant 20 years ago,it will be 21 years in May,due to Hep c.The hospital who transplanted him the first time does not do second transplants in their patients with hep c.This is a new policy.His liver doctor here called some hospitals & it seems that this is everyone`s policy in our area.I phoned some hospitals on my own with no luck.I`m not sure if maybe the insurance is a problem too as the hospital who transplanted him now has a 20% copay & before the insurance was accepted by them 100%. This news is a death sentence for him.I am so hurt that no one wants to help him.He has taken such good care of himself,even trying the new meds that are out to try to rid himself of the hep c.I`ll continue to search for him,but now his kidneys are failing,his numbers are up,but his kidney specialist says he doesn`t need dialyisis yet-can`t spell,don`t know where the spell correct icon is-so we are trying to cope.My husband is doing things like taking up smoking again & things that I cannot get him NOT to do as he sinks into depression & has the thinking that he may die anyhow,what does it matter? Well it DOES matter because if we find a hospital who`ll take him,they`ll test his blood for nicotine.If there is any hope,that may seal the deal that he for sure won`t get one. So,we continue to pray,I am full of stress with other things that are going on in my life,& these are things I have no control over,I just have to find peace within myself that I know I`m doing everything that I can do for him.Bless you all for being praying bloggers & my friends...

8 comments: said...

well,I separated my post into several different paragraphs,but I see blogger jammed it all together,sigh,it is hard to read this way...phyllis

ButchCountry said...

My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your husband, I will ask our church to pray for you both this Sunday.

eileeninmd said...

My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your hubby.. I hope something at the hospital can be work out. Take care and enjoy your weekend.

Joyful said...

Try to take care of yourself. It is so very difficult with so much stress. Lie down and deep breathe for half an hour or 15 minutes daily if you can. I'll join with others in praying for you and your husband. Hugs. xx

Joyful said...
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Stewart M said...

It may be a little hard to read - but its not hard to understand the terrible feelings it contains.

Health care is such a difficult thing. I hope something changes for the better for you and your husband.

Stewart M - Melbourne

Debra said...

Oh dear friend-
I can't imagine what you are going through-but I do know about all the stresses-how they can make a situation so much harder to handle. I will keep praying, and you take some time to do things that relax you.
Much love, Debra

Tammy said...

Dear Phyllis,
My heart goes out to you. I'm so sorry that this is happening and will be praying that things will take a gentler turn for you and your husband.

Take care,