Sunday, October 12, 2014

Harrisburg ,Pa. horse show on Oct.3

I am so behind in blogging. I`ve had some very hard days again, but God is with me, & with the help of friends, I`m feeling better.

I didn`t have my camera setting right,so after about 300 pics! I had to still redo some of them because of the bling & movement of the horses.

The people really love showing their horses.It was free parking & free admission, I don`t believe that they benefited money wise by showing ,one group of people drove clear from Utah.

Someone with a Merasedes-poor spelling today- parked a group in for 2 hours,they couldn`t leave.We were angry for the lack of empathy from the owner of the car.
such beautiful bling on these horses

this girl`s leg looked like a part of the horse`s leg
I went with 2 friends on Oct. 3rd to see another horse show. They were awesome. Draft horses, Clydesdales ,& another type that starts with a P,black horse.They were all lovingly decked out, & getting these large horses to pull these carriages around barrels, to stop, walk, trot, just a beautiful thing to enjoy, I thank my friends for having me along.
Kenny Ro,but he looks like him


JoJo said...

Nice pics! That guy does look like Kenny Rogers! I'm sorry you are having a rough patch. :(

As for the jerk in the Mercedes, I find people with expensive cars like those have a sense of entitlement. It infuriates me.

Joyful said...

I think the horses look so pretty! And I agree that one fellow looks like Kenny Rogers in a nicer hat ;-)
Sorry you have been going through a tough time. It's normal and you will go through up and down cycles for awhile. Let yourself grieve. Big hugs. xx

Aleta said...

What amazing creatures!