I forgot to post on the grosbeaks,I did on my facebook page,but just want it journaled here that they did migrate through here,stopping at the feeder on Sept.11.If I wasn`t home here to see them,I wouldn`t have known as it was a quick one day stop as near as I can tell.
I filled up the hummingbird feeders,but I believe that they are offically gone,as of Sat.I will let the feeders up for awhile for any stragglers going by.
The baby cardinals have been fun to watch,they are finally feeding themselves.They don`t have much color yet.
I love birds, but don't know much about them without my little bird books. I know a woodpecker and cardnal, but some of the others I wouldn't be able to identify. I love the way you know and photograph birds! You must have the best back yard!
I love songbirds as well. I really miss them but due to the large numbers of bears in our valley we stopped feeding the birds a few years ago. Grosbeaks were always my favorites!
I love birds & have had to learn most of them through books.I had to have help ID-ing 1 new bird this year,the brown headed cowbird,I haven`t seen him since.They like to lay their eggs in other birds nests so they don`t have to raise them,nature isn`t too far off from us humans.
We have had an occasional bear come through here,but haven`t had a major problem,yet.I really love birdwatching.The goldfinches here are changing their colors now to dull yellow for winter.phylliso
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