Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Meet our new cat

We were helping our son move some things into my mom`s home this evenning.The neighbor who lives alone across the street has the most beautiful cat.She walked over to talk a little.She has been through something horrible,something that happenned while my mother was ill & living with my brother.Her cat travels the neighborhood,always comes over with her dog to greet me.She purrs & purrs when I hold her.I jokingly said ,I`d like to take her home with me,my son says she stays outside all the time,she`d be an indoor cat with me.I thought she would cry.She said since her boyfriend committed suicide in her home & the cat was inside when it all went down,the cat will not set foot in the house again.The neighbor down the street has threatened to call the humane society on her for letting the cat run at large,& she got the cat from the humane society.She would love it if we could rehome her.Her name is Bully,but that will change.No one bullies here.So,need a new name for this pretty girl.She has taken up residence in our bathroom where I keep food & litter boxes.I know what happenned-the incident-happenned in her bathroom,but the cat will have to get used to knowing that it won`t happen here. She is a bully to our other 5 cats.She growls & scares all 5 of them.
Zeke is looking at me as if to say,why,why,did you bring this growling hateful cat here,we all get along so well,why,mom,why?
The funny,funniest thing is,my ENT doctor wanted me to have allergy tests,& guess what I`m allergic to?Cats.I`ll be getting those shots....


Judy said...

Good for you for adopting this kitty and bringing her inside. Hopefully she will relax over time and just blend with the other kitties. We had a large orange tabby wander up while we were living in Alabama and we brought him in. He's my youngest son's favorite cat and just a lovey :-)

Debra said...

I've caught up with your posts-I just love that hornet's nest-they are works of art. Your new header is awesome, and the flower picture is so pretty.
Your good heart shows-taking another cat. I know all those bad memories will fade away with love taking their place.
Love you, Phylliso.