Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wild Bird Wed.
Today is the day to link up with bird watchers around the world,my entry today is the Black- Capped Chickadee.This is a year around bird for us here in Pa.,I see them more in winter than I do now in the summer,but they made their rounds to the berry trees & feeders this week.They are the ones who are picking at the sides of my feeder to best get at their fav seeds.


Stewart M said...

What a splendid little bird - its nice to have some year round birds in the garden. We don't really have this sort of bird in our garden - we have to make do with parrots!

Cheers - Stewart M - AUstralia

TexWisGirl said...

i love these little ones. so full of life and cheeps!

Larry said...

Great job Phyllis! I love Chickadees! who doesn't?

Liz said...

What a sweet little bird!

Judy said...

I love Chickadees! They are so neat to listen to. Thanks for sharing the great photos with us.