Sunday, December 2, 2012

Red breasted nuthatches & chickadee

I am buying a bag a week for these hungry birds,& it`s not really that cold out yet.
I`m anxious to see if I get a different sort of bird with the cherry suet I put out today.I did climb the ladder & put another bag of seed in & filled the suet feeders with my neck brace on.I know I took a chance.Tomorrow I`ll sit & take pictures since I have fresh feed in.I have the fear when I get really,really,old,who will I get to fill my feeders?Will I have to advertise,someone to fill my bird feeders once a week? Hah,hah.


eileeninmd said...

Love the cute nuthatches, they are one of my favorite birds. I hope you take care of your neck. Have a happy week ahead!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I am enjoying the variety of birds that I'm getting and have changed up the food a little bit--However it seems to be attracting a lot of Blue Jays that eat everything and anything...

Be careful and take care of your neck!!

Suzan said...

I love sitting on our patio on sat. morning, sipping my coffe and watching the birds feed from our feeder as well. For some reason they have slowed down and I need to check to see if the grain is spoiled? You said you use suit as well! Have a great week!

Debra said...

I haven't seen the cherry suet yet. I get sunflower seed only for my feeder, as they waste the mixed kind. The sunflowers get eaten-every one.
I had to cut pine boughs to put around my feeder area, as I had a falcon zoom in on a yellow-bellied (my fav wood peckers) and kill it mercilessly. It was horrible-I tried to rescue it, but couldn't. Now with the pine branches around the feeders, all my birds are hidden, and the falcon has not returned.
Hey- I LOVE Moe-I would have bought him too...

Judy said...

What a great photo! Be careful while you're out there filling those feeders.