Saturday, May 31, 2008

Great-Crested Flycatcher

I believe too that we have a pair of great-crested flycatchers.I get so excited when I see a new type of bird.They are still here,I heard them out back when I was out on the back deck brushing out the dogs last night.They make a wierd sound,like weeeeep,weeeep.I was reading about them & they like to nest in cavaties of trees,which we have alot of those also.The red-bellied woodpecker nested in one tree one year & I got good pics of them.I haven`t seen them since,& I don`t know why.
It is going to storm.We may get some severe ones as it is very humid.Guess I`ll have to do housework today,yuk,but everything in here is cluttered & we soon won`t be able to find anything if I don`t get it done.

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