Thursday, September 25, 2008

Greenhouse up,got 2 goats sheared

My dh got the greenhouse done yesterday,all but the weatherstripping,& that is going to be a pain to do.One table has to be put together.
He then wanted to do the goats.We did get 2 done,Blackie & Jimi.Blackie got knicked 3 times & I got sick afterwards.They weren`t bad knicks,but I just get sick if something happens to the animals.I am a person who could never watch animal planet.When those officers go & get these abused animals I just get physically ill to think of any human could do those sorts of things to animals.But,anyhow,it only took him 1 hour to do 2,hoofs & shearing.I always use a pair of sicsores,can`t spell,to do around their privates myself.We stopped then as we wanted to go to church.
Our church has several groups going on Wed.nights.I plan to take our grandchild,Dominick,in the future.We are in the pastor`s group ,he is doing a study based on the book,The Holy Spirit:Who He Is and What He does by Robert Gromacki.I am going to get the book I suppose,even though we don`t have to.At any rate,we sure need prayers as we are shearing the other 2 today as it is to rain this evenning.Ringo is THE WORST to do & he is so strong,fights every step of the way.I wish we had someone else to do it,I would gladly pay to have a shearer do the job.


Yellow Jacket Ridge Angoras said...

You did a good job! I cut one once and put blue coat on it. Healed nicely.

When our shearer comes he puts the goat sitting on their butts laying backwards supporting them between his legs. For some reason they settle right down in this position. We also use this position for trimming hooves. Premier Supplies has something that looks like a hammock that attaches to a fence to lay them backwards. You can check their website and get the idea of how to place them to settle them down. You shouldn't have any trouble even with the crankiest of goats. Let me know how this works for you guys.

I've been so incredibly busy working two jobs this week and haven't had much time for anything else. I'll catch up with you more later. Miss you girlfriend! said...

Thanks Becky,I will check out the site.I have 2 books on angora goats & they say to sit them on their rumps,the same with sheep.But I`m not strong enough to run the shears or hold them backwards.Thank the Dear Lord Rich doesn`t get angry with me....much.I noticed their fleece is changing as they get older,will have to give them some supplements.phylliso