Monday, February 9, 2009


I`ve been trying to get photos of these turkeys for a week,never had my camera with me at the right time.I finally got some pics on Sunday.Click on the pic to enlarge.I got frustrated with the photoshop,trying to zoom in & save them,but have found a site that may help me later when I have more time to play.
Our friends,Doug & Tina whom I posted with pictures of their pet deer & other pets they have back in a June or July post on my blog think they may be offspring of some they "grew" & let loose.I think I could`ve walked in closer on them,but didn`t want to scare them away.


Aleta said...

Their coloring looks a little different than the wild turkeys we have here, but I'm not sure. We have one female turkey coming to our feeder periodically now, and her head looks like a baby bird's head with only a little bit of fuzz. said...

I thought their coloring looked a little different too,not enough of the blueish color they tend to have.But the sun was shining so brightly on them,that could`ve caused a different look perhaps.phylliso