Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Birds and Blooms


A Brit in Tennessee said...

Ooh such pretty pictures. Everything in bloom, all those colors, and the wildflowers just so sweet. I wonder what kind they are ?
Lifts ones spirit to look at your awesome pictures, thank sfor sharing.

Debra said...

Is that your robin? I was looking for the ruffled feather...I'm making some chickadees that are perched on wire, so it was fun seeing your real one.
Love, Debra said...

Blue vinca vine climbs on the bank,I gave up planting flowers on the steep bank by our garage,it only blooms in the spring tho.
Wild pink honeysuckle grows in the forest,& rhodendrens are beginning to bloom.Of course you probably know the plant the bleeding heart
Yes.that is my special robin.I was in the garden working & a hawk kept flying over,it seemed like the birds all flew close to me as time sorta stopped for them in that moment.phylliso