Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Today is the last day I will be 55 years old.God has answered alot of prayers for me this year,some took over 20 years to answer. I believe God has finally got my only child,now age 36,back on the right path.I could blog a book on him,& someday I may as I have experienced alot going through life with a bipolar child not diagnoised as bipolar till just 7 years ago.He has always tried to self-medicate himself with alcohol & drugs,landing himself in jail time & time again.Before jail,while still in senior high,his teachers told us he had an alcohol problem & we made him go to a rehab for 8 weeks at the school`s insistance,he attended school in rehab too.Of course,his problem was not alcohol,it was his mind & when children & young adults can not fix what is going on in their brain,they will self-medicate themselves one way or another.
I feel he is now on the right track,going to jail in Feb.I sent him a life application bible & he attended church & became friends with the guys from the outside who devote their time to guiding ones who want to know God who are incarcerated.He then started having his own classes in jail as guys were always coming up to ask him what his bible said about this or that.We didn`t want him in jail again,but I believe God had to do it-keep putting him back in there-to save him from himself,for surely something would have happenned to him,the road he was going down was dark,& lonely for him.Jail got him on medication,got his prescriptions that they work for him & so far not expensive,then they sent him to another rehab in July,he is now home.Jail was a good thing to happen.
I`m praying as I`m running him to AA meetings & to church & places he has to go,that this will not be in vain this time,& I appreciate if my blogger friends would pray for Richie. There are circumstances that are going on that might sway him the wrong way,but I trust God will intervene & my son will have the strength of mind to understand that there are things he cannot & will never be able to change & will have the sense to keep his own self healthy & most of all,happy.


Tammy said...

Belated happy birthday Phyllis. My prayers are with you and your son. These things can be so hard to understand and so heartbreaking. I agree that what seems like the harsher path is sometimes the only answer. I pray that God can help him overcome all of this and be the man he would like to be.
Tammy said...

Thank-you so much for praying.I know God listens & works in ways we can`t understand,phylliso