Saturday, September 21, 2013

He is somewhat better

Yesterday I lost my faith that my husband would survive.He is/was in renal failure as well as his liver is not functioning.Today he actually made urine in his bottle,but he is far from being out of the woods yet.He still has a fever,he has a pic line in to his heart with antiboctics,he was given 3 pints of blood-don`t know where the blood is going,his belly is huge,Mon.the doctor will tap more of the infected fluid out of his stomach cavity.They couldn`t do it before his blood count was off.Stress is my first name now.Between running back & forth to the hospital & now taking my son to work,Sissy has been so kind to run my son for a week,I wonder when I`ll have time to collasp.
Here are some pics of Buttermint,my angora bunny Sherry Tenney was so good to give to me.Before & somewhat after photos of the shearing.She has lovely wool,I hated to cut it off,but you must every 90 days or they may groom themselves & swallow too much of the wool & die.I did do that one day while my dh was in critical care & asleep most of the time.I need to do many more bunnies.
When I go to the hospital & am not here to get Bandit`s signal that "someone`s in the birdfeeder & it is not a bird,I see the chipmunks have been filling up,but I keep the feeder full anyhow cause if I don`t the little carolina wren sometimes gets under & inside the feeder & I have to go rescue it.
carolina wren


Debra said...

Oh dear friend-my heart goes out to you....I wish I lived closer and I could help you-even to help with rabbit hair cuts!
Please take a breather and rest, or you won't be able to do all this stuff. I'm praying.
Love you.

Yashaswini said...

Hey Phyllis! My prayer goes out to you and your family. I hope that your husband recovers soon and is healthy again.

Your posts on the nature around is inspirational. And I'm sure there is good karma backing your family through and through.

Warm Regards,
Yash said...

Thank-you both,my dear friends.With God`s help,I will get through this . said...

Debra,I tried to leave a comment on your blog,but I must be blind ,couldn`t get the word verf. to accept me!