Friday, August 15, 2008

Vacation Bible School

Our church VBS started Sun.eve & ended Thurs.eve.I took Dominick out every night,& on Tues.night had 20 month old Savannah too.She got a kick out of milking the plyboard cow.She is not afraid of anything as long as she has her blanket along.She vacumned the nursery,played gymastists,did a little of everything that night.I was worn out.Doris,her husband,Vernon,Sharon,& I prayed till Wed.night,I told Doris I couldn`t stay.Tues.night I thought I would die of back pain carrying Savannah in & out.Doris is so nice though,she made me feel included in things even though I have RA & cannot do alot of things like be a leader or something,she drew me in & had me help with praying for everyone.No one has ever made me feel that special,I always feel left out or something,but when she & her husband came out to our home to see us,I felt connected to her in some way.So,it was good.Last year we went to my brother`s church for VBS.This year Dominick came home talking about God,I guess since he is 6 this year,maybe he was able to grasp it more,though we did have wonderful teachers both times.He prayed Wed.night on the way home,we had such a powerful storm with lightenning & flooding of the roads I could hardly see to drive.He says,NaNa,why isn`t God listenning?He was praying for the storm to stop.I explained we should pray for our safety to get home,not for the rain to stop,the farmers need the rain, & he may have understood that.I was happy to have him in the car with me,praying as he was,it was a touching moment for me.

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